True Loyalty Records has recently been added on as a label profile on the popular ReverbNation. ReverbNation is a website where mainly unknown artists create profiles to share their music and gain exposure. You can go check out the profile for True Loyalty Records and for it's current members Moizenvelli and Doctrill below; and don't forget to become a fan if you own a ReverbNation!

Note: Click on one of the buttons below to open up the ReverNation profile for one of any of the accounts displyed below.

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    Welcome to the official fan site for True Loyalty Records! We are the #1 source for any  new updates on True Loyalty Records from news to new music, videos, or anything concerning the label and it's members. There is no other place to find these exclusive scoops on True Loyalty anywhere else! Enjoy the fan site and feel free to leave comments on any posts of any kind. One luv! - T.L.R.


    July 2012
    June 2012

